Health Center Celic (HCC) was created during the war in 1993 when it started modestly, with a small number of health professionals, particularly doctors, nurses / technicians, medical technicians and other non-medical staff who worked in improvised conditions with insufficient resources, medicines and equipment. These conditions had to be compensated with the superhuman effort, enthusiasm and dedication of the staff.
Today HCC has a total of 50 employees, serving approximately 13800 residents from the area of Celic, including returnees , as well as all other residents from the area of Brcko District and Lopare municipality. Celic borders with Lopare municipality and its residents use HCC services especially during the emergency. This is approximately 5000 additional residents that seek medical treatment in HCC facility.
HCC facilities, premises, equipment, appliances and ambulances are worn out and outdated because financial funds are insufficient to meet the basic needs for the functioning of this institution. Lack of funds is caused by economic crisis, high unemployment rate and financial collapse of the country. Thus, HCC is unable to build much needed new facility which would consolidate smaller rural infirmaries into one. Current funds are insufficient for even smaller renovations or to make any purchase of the new equipment. New ambulances are desperately needed.
These are high priority items that HCC needs in order to function adequately and to provide safe and high-quality services to patients:
- The building - a central object in Celic area- there are absolutely no conditions for adequate performance of health services. The current building is very old, worn out, dysfunctional and it does not meet the minimum requirements. There are no sufficient rooms for smooth operation. In many cases rooms are shared with different departments and services. HCC patients, including the most vulnerable group (young children, pregnant women, the elderly, disabled and chronically ill), are forced to make daily adjustments.
- The current main building, including all 6 rural infirmaries, lack external thermal insulation and adequate façade. This increases high costs and losses during the winter and summer when heaters and air conditioners are on. Thus, HCC is considered as energetically inefficient with the negative impact on the environment.
- Ambulances – HCC patients are frequently transported to an hour away hospital in Tuzla. Current ambulances are very old and worn out and in many cases patients are transported without an adequate equipment for transportation of critically ill patients.
- Autoclave sterilizers - right now HCC uses “dry-heat” sterilization using very old sterilizers. High heat from these sterilizers is causing additional damage to already worn out instruments, especially to bandaging materials.
- Backboards for spinal immobilization (for kids and adults)
- Stifneck select collar for immobilization of cervical spine – (for children, adjustable in three sizes and for adults, adjustable in four sizes.)
- Splint immobilization – (Spencer spine split, pneumatic splint and complete immobilization splint kit.)
- Spirometer
- X-ray (Röntgen) imaging chamber
- Dental Chair Unit and dental instruments.
- Therapeutic ultrasound for physical therapy.
- Gynecological examination table and gynecological instruments
- Patient examination table
- Surgical instruments (needle holders, clamps, anatomical and surgical forceps, scissors, etc.) and surgical dressing drums for minor surgeries.
- Vaccine storage unit – (refrigerator and thermometer)
- Portable vaccine coolers – cold chain
- Power sprays and atomizers - measures for disinfection and disinfestations
- Kidney trays and sterilization trays
- Safety equipment (gloves, masks, goggles, waterproof aprons, raincoats, rubber boots, helmets, lamps, protective footwear)
- Medical and non-medical uniforms (scrubs)
- Aggregate - in the event of an unforeseen loss of power supply, which is not the rare case
- Medical tents – in case of an emergency
- Emergency water storage containers and water filters
- Chlorine comparator - to measure chlorine in water
- Waiting room chairs
- Office furniture and supplies
Apart from the above mentioned shortcomings, a major problem is the large distance (52 km) of HCC institution from the Clinical Center in Tuzla. Critically ill patients are frequently transported in an adequate ambulances to hospital in Tuzla. With the current road infrastructure, it takes an hour or very often even more, to reach hospital in Tuzla. Critical patients are at a constant danger of not being able to reach Tuzla on time.
There is a big problem with the health system throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina. Unfortunately, the system is very complex and it imposes certain illogical rules on all patients. Patients can exercise their primary health care only in the place of residence. In case of a serious problem, when hospitalization is required, patients are moved to those hospitals that fall under certain territorial divisions. For example, only 20 km from HCC there's a hospital in Brcko city. Unfortunately, patients from this area cannot be treated there due to above mentioned territorial divisions. These patients have to be transported to 52 km away hospital in Tuzla. The problem arises during the case of a serious emergency.
Due to all these rules and complexity of the health care system, HCC is putting an enormous effort in order to provide the best possible care it can. In some cases, they have already reduced the time of waiting. An agreement has been made with the hospital in Tuzla to send, on certain days, specialists from different medical area to treat patients directly in Celic. So instead of hundred patients going to Tuzla, now a few medical specialists are coming to HCC area.
All this is not enough to provide the best possible care. As listed above, HCC needs many things to function normally.
We urge you all, to help HCC in any possible way you can.
For any additional questions please contact us at +(387) 63 203 131 or via email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Health Center Celic